
    Arts papers and charts

      • Drawing paper is a versatile medium suitable for sketching, pencil drawings, and various dry media. It comes in different weights and textures, providing options for different artistic styles.
    1. Sketchbooks:

      • Description: Sketchbooks are bound books filled with drawing paper, providing a convenient and portable surface for artists to explore ideas, practice techniques, and create sketches.
    2. Watercolor Paper:

      • Description: Watercolor paper is specifically designed to withstand wet media such as watercolor paints. It comes in various weights and textures, offering different surfaces for watercolor techniques.
    3. Pastel Paper:

      • Description: Pastel paper has a textured surface that grips pastel pigments, preventing them from sliding off. It is available in a range of colors and weights suitable for both oil and soft pastels.
    4. Canvas Paper:

      • Description: Canvas paper provides a canvas-like texture for painting, allowing artists to experiment with acrylics or oils without the bulk of traditional stretched canvases.
    5. Acetate Sheets:

      • Description: Acetate sheets are transparent and smooth plastic sheets often used for overlays in design work or as a surface for ink or marker illustrations.
    6. Printmaking Paper:

      • Description: Printmaking paper is designed for various printmaking techniques such as etching, engraving, linocut, and lithography. It has specific qualities to absorb inks and achieve high-quality prints.
    7. Charcoal Paper:

      • Description: Charcoal paper is designed to work well with charcoal and other dry media. It often has a toothy texture that grabs the charcoal for expressive drawings.
    8. Mixed Media Paper:

      • Description: Mixed media paper is versatile and suitable for a combination of wet and dry media, making it ideal for artists who like to experiment with various techniques in a single artwork.


    1. Flip Charts:

      • Description: Flip charts consist of large sheets of paper bound at the top, often used for presentations, brainstorming sessions, or meetings. They can be easily flipped to reveal a new page.
    2. Easel Pads:

      • Description: Easel pads are large pads of paper attached to a cardboard backing, suitable for use on easels. They are commonly used for presentations, workshops, or collaborative activities.
    3. Graph Paper:

      • Description: Graph paper has a grid of small squares, making it suitable for creating accurate diagrams, charts, or plotting mathematical functions.
    4. Whiteboards and Dry-Erase Sheets:

      • Description: Whiteboards are smooth, erasable surfaces commonly used for presentations and collaborative work. Dry-erase sheets are flexible alternatives that can be adhered to walls or other surfaces.
    5. Poster Boards:

      • Description: Poster boards are large, sturdy sheets often used for creating posters, displays, or visual aids. They come in various colors and are suitable for a wide range of art and presentation projects.
    6. Foam Boards:

      • Description: Foam boards consist of a foam core sandwiched between two sheets of paper or plastic. They are lightweight and suitable for creating 3D models, signs, or displays.
    7. Grid Charts:

      • Description: Grid charts have a grid pattern, often used for creating charts, diagrams, or organizing information in a structured format.
    8. Organizational Charts:

      • Description: Organizational charts visually represent the structure of an organization, showing the relationships and hierarchy of positions.

    Arts papers and charts play integral roles in artistic expression, presentations, and visual communication. The variety of options available allows individuals to choose the most suitable materials for their specific projects and creative needs.