
    PC components

    • The CPU, often referred to as the processor, is the brain of the computer. It performs calculations and executes instructions, determining the overall speed and performance of the system.
    • Types: CPUs come in various types, including Intel and AMD, and they have different architectures and clock speeds.

    2. Motherboard:

    • Description: The motherboard is the main circuit board that connects and facilitates communication between various components. It provides the necessary connectors, slots, and ports for components like the CPU, RAM, and storage devices.
    • Features: Motherboards can include features such as integrated graphics, audio, and networking.

    3. Memory (RAM - Random Access Memory):

    • Description: RAM is volatile memory that the CPU uses to temporarily store data and actively running programs. It allows for quick access to data, improving system performance.
    • Capacity: RAM is measured in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB), and higher capacity allows for better multitasking.

    4. Storage Devices:

    • Hard Disk Drive (HDD):
      • Description: HDDs are traditional storage devices that use magnetic storage to store data. They offer large capacities at a lower cost.
      • Speed: Slower than SSDs.
    • Solid State Drive (SSD):
      • Description: SSDs use flash memory to store data, providing faster read and write speeds compared to HDDs.